(The full text of this excerpted blog post appears on Mike Russell's blog at:
As the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania heads into the 60th day of its marathon
state budget impasse, that's
no deterrent to some of the best and brightest minds in healthcare technology, military medicine, rural development and public policy.

They'll be converging on St. Francis University's
CERMUSA - Center of Excellence for Remote and Medically Underserved... in Loretto, PA next week for the inaugural
Rural Telehealth and Advanced Technologies Conference. I plan to attend the conference, and to live-blog and/or live-tweet the proceedings, circumstances permitting, on Friday, September 4th. (More information to come.
From the official conference website:
The focus of this inaugural conference will be
Chronic Care: Model, Solutions, and Technology Applications. With the ever-increasing need to provide efficient, effective chronic care for afflicted individuals, especially in rural and underserved areas, this event will spotlight the Chronic Care Model and the escalating presence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), as well as the causes treatments, and technological advances that encompass healthcare, both in the military and civilian populations.
• Conference Agenda
is here.
• Speaker Bios
are here.
• Registration info
is here.
Conference Sponsors:

Continuing Education Opportunities
If you're a qualifying healthcare professional, you can earn up to 6 hours of continuing education credit/hours, based on your participation and credentials.
I hope to see some fellow CrisisCampers at the conference. If we haven't met already, please introduce yourself!
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