Added by Heather Blanchard on September 21, 2010 at 12:28pm —
1 Comment
You and Josh were great at Crisis Camp a week ago...could i ask you a few questions about information handling and storage?
Many thanks, leslie

Added by Leslie Jenkins on January 23, 2010 at 7:55pm —
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In the wake of the devastating 7.0-magnitude earthquake in Haiti Tuesday, many concerned government, NGO and private sector technology folks from diverse organizations are mobilizing to help.
I’m especially proud of the fact that some of my friends and colleagues from the Crisis Camp community are leading the charge.

If you are a humanitarian assistance, international development, emergency response or other professional who is…
Added by Mike Russell - @planetrussell on January 13, 2010 at 12:00pm —
1 Comment
There will be needs in Haiti. How can CrisisCamp family help?
-Helping families connect?
-Cyber Cafes to support families and NGOs?
-Crisis Informatics Data?
Added by Heather Blanchard on January 12, 2010 at 10:48pm —
1 Comment
We are planning a trip to an area next fall for a family reunion. This is an area that is typically a high hurricane risk area that time of year. I was wondering if I should get a
Travel insurance quote to cover me just in case. Do any of you know a good company to use?
Added by Cindy Fallsen on September 24, 2009 at 8:08am —
1 Comment
Schedule for the Fall of Camps!
October 24-26 - CrisisCamp Philly
Location: Temple University (Tentative), Philadelphia, PA
More Information:
Added by Heather Blanchard on September 15, 2009 at 10:09pm —
1 Comment
(The full text of this excerpted blog post appears on Mike Russell's blog at:
As the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania heads into the 60th day of its marathon
state budget impasse, that's…
Added by Mike Russell - @planetrussell on August 30, 2009 at 12:47am —
1 Comment
Please send this to folks interested!! :)
CrisisCampDC Meetup - Saturday, August 22 at 11am at Whitlows on
Wilson (2854 Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA). We really need some help in
working with the new camps, moving the concept of a CrisisCommons
forward and discussing the upcoming Hackathon in November.
Hope to see you there!
Heather Blanchard
Added by Heather Blanchard on August 18, 2009 at 10:11pm —
Just a reminder - we are meeting at Fortius One at 4:30 tomorrow to
follow up on the Hackathon discussion.
Let me know if you are coming so we can expect you -
I've shared a document with you called "CrisisCamp Hackathon":
Added by Heather Blanchard on June 18, 2009 at 9:30pm —
1 Comment
June 14, 2009
12:49 am younghahn: #crisiscamp
3:27 am xpeditenetwork: Ready for day two of #crisiscamp. No disaster is too great for us (unless we run out of coffee)
5:27 am svenburg: @vladvino thanks Vlad! Camping day # 2 today. #crisiscamp
6:03 am kgfreeman: Running late to #crisiscamp, but because the metro is running late this time
6:10 am NoelDickover: RT @spara - Head full from #crisiscamp, watching Terminator Salvation to see if I can apply lessons…
Added by Heather Blanchard on June 16, 2009 at 11:00pm —
1 Comment
Check out
Added by Heather Blanchard on June 16, 2009 at 10:45pm —
1 Comment
Another Good After Action Report (AAR)
Texas Governor's Division of Emergency Management's 2007 Hurricane Dean AAR
The importance of "GPS Coordinates"
"The SOC should consider including the GPS coordinates of key locations (including reception centers, command centers, fuel points, etc.) in communications."
(One can bet there were many more similar lessons from the 2008 hurricane season.)
Added by Mark A. Whitney on June 16, 2009 at 8:30pm —
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Will there be a shared site for hosting the Ignite Session Presentations or should we contact the individual presenters to request a copy of the .PPTs?
I'd be very interested in reviewing them and getting the most out of the work that was put into them.
Added by David Ledet on June 16, 2009 at 6:30pm —
More Camps!
(1) CrisisCamp West (@crisiscampwest) in California (likely San Francisco) will there be one in LA (@lafdtalk @brianhumphrey)? September 18-20th. For more information tweet @kristinhogan or email crisiscampwest (at)
(2) Rescheduling of CrisisCamp UK @dominiccampbell
(3) Interest in CrisisCampNYC @johndsolomon and @williamv @break_glass
(4) Your city?
Public Engagement (Silona and Kirstin Hogan)
(1) Reinvent preparedness…
Added by Heather Blanchard on June 15, 2009 at 9:30pm —
1 Comment
Added by Heather Blanchard on June 15, 2009 at 8:30pm —
1 Comment
CrisisCamp was just a simple idea. How can technology help people who are experiencing crisis?
We tweeted the idea. You showed up, you organized, you talked about zombies and elephants. Coffee was on tap, pizza was consumed. Ideas were created. Approaches were considered. Relationships were created (or reestablished).
All of this was because you. Take a good look at - this movement is what we make of it.
Its up to each one of us!…
Added by Heather Blanchard on June 14, 2009 at 11:08pm —
Added by Vinay Gupta on June 14, 2009 at 6:52pm —
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In terms of getting the right message out for making CrisisCamp go viral, we're working on this messaging spreadsheet:
Gimme your email if you want edit rights and I'll add you.
Added by Noel Dickover on June 14, 2009 at 1:30pm —
1 Comment
Preparedness for Earthquake Season (
While often times a year or more is spent planning for special events, and even hurricanes can provide a few days advance notice, there are many other human caused or natural hazards where all response and recovery assets will need to be on “the same map sheet of music” (to borrow from former FEMA director James Lee Witt’s Feb. 2002 White Paper), day one, hour one and beyond if we are to best…
Added by Mark A. Whitney on June 13, 2009 at 12:30pm —
CrisisCamp DC is part of a global movement who is bringing together volunteers, academia, non-profits, companies and government officials to share best practices and lessons learned to advocate for further use of technology and telecommunications to assist citizens and communities during crisis.
Founded in March 2009 through an impromptu Tweetup at the Government 2.0 Camp, a small band of idealists and innovators gathered together to discuss the idea of a creating a common community…
Added by Heather Blanchard on May 30, 2009 at 4:05pm —
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