
Technology + Humanitarian Relief Barcamp (June 2009)

Los Angeles Fire Department's Comments

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At 1:32pm on June 13, 2009, John Solomon said…
that's really nice to hear. it means a lot to me to get that feedback. it means i'm on the right track. btw, right now i'm sitting in breakout group being run by our mutual friend david stephenson.

i need the biggest size shirt you have.
John Solomon
245 East 58th Street
New York, NY 10022

Thank you very much,

At 1:17pm on June 13, 2009, John Solomon said…
I came from New York City which is definitely not the farthest. However, I am a subscriber to the LAFD alerts (and I write a lot about your work). I'd love to have a LAFD shirt (and will pay for it).
John Solomon
At 10:57am on June 13, 2009, Los Angeles Fire Department said…
As a token of respect and admiration would like to offer an LAFD T-Shirt to the person who came the furthest to attend CrisisCamp.

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