
Technology + Humanitarian Relief Barcamp (June 2009)

CrisisCamp Twitter Archive - thanks Pam Broviak

June 14, 2009
12:49 am younghahn: #crisiscamp
3:27 am xpeditenetwork: Ready for day two of #crisiscamp. No disaster is too great for us (unless we run out of coffee)
5:27 am svenburg: @vladvino thanks Vlad! Camping day # 2 today. #crisiscamp
6:03 am kgfreeman: Running late to #crisiscamp, but because the metro is running late this time
6:10 am NoelDickover: RT @spara - Head full from #crisiscamp, watching Terminator Salvation to see if I can apply lessons learned
6:12 am xpeditenetwork: we'll be interviewing folks at #crisiscamp today. and putting it on the ning site. if you're here, be ready
6:14 am spara: The mediocrity of cello practice this morning can be summed up by, bleh. On my way to #crisiscamp
6:26 am NoelDickover: Pumpkin post - for those #crisiscamp folks talking about my pumpkin carvings, the site is
6:27 am NoelDickover: And yes, my avatar is me in the pumpkin carving act. #Crisiscamp
6:41 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp about to start day 2 to figure out where we go from here
6:45 am ajturner: starting #crisiscamp with a camp-wide brainstorming session on next steps in collaboration - too bad the room doesn't have AC
6:45 am clarabear013: I'm a n00b at #crisiscamp
6:48 am kgfreeman: #crisiscamp is the divide closing or growing between tech and non tech types?
6:50 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp discussion as to the importance of digital divide as an issue with communicating with citizens in a crisis
6:54 am joecorbett: We need a "System of Systems" that helps all these disaster networks sync-up as well as streamline policy. What is it? #crisiscamp
6:55 am joecorbett: Governance, Policy, Procedure, these inhibit our preparedness for disasters #crisiscamp
6:58 am tzmartin: RT: @joecorbett We need a "System of Systems" that helps all these disaster networks sync-up as well as streamline policy. #crisiscamp
7:00 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp ran into the sahana crew who created an pen source disasterresponse mgt software. Very cool and much needed
7:00 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp ran into the sahana crew who created an pen source disaster resource mgt software. Very cool and much needed
7:00 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp ran into the sahana crew who created an open source disaster resource mgt software. Very cool and much needed
7:00 am Outliersf: We're all pieces of crisis puzzle: Red Cross is volunteering, Google is mapping. How do all pieces come together during crisis #crisiscamp
7:00 am Kalabird: At #crisiscamp trying to figure out how to link silos of organic humanitarian initiatives that work
7:01 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp. Sorry 4 multiple similar msgs. Had to correct something. 2 much multitasking
7:01 am DavidStephenson: #crisiscamp @silona as an outsider, noticed lack of common vocab. in disaster management.
7:01 am Outliersf: We're not all speaking the same vernacular and is that hindering collaboration? What do the terms mean to all of us? #crisiscamp
7:03 am Kalabird: Need common vocabulary and standards for talking about and collecting data on crises #crisiscamp
7:03 am joecorbett: RT @Outliersf: We're not all speaking the same vernacular and is that hindering collaboration? What do the terms mean to us? #crisiscamp
7:04 am clarabear013: RT @Kalabird: Need common vocabulary and standards for talking about and collecting data on crises #crisiscamp
7:08 am floock2w: Tweeting from #CrisisCamp!
7:09 am Globaliist: "Successful crisis management is based on agility ? react to the unexpected" #crisiscamp
7:09 am Kalabird: Using crisis idea to open doors but we're more interested in the idea I emergency preparedness (sounds less sexy) #crisiscamp
7:10 am Silona: @jfhatesmustard Wishing you were here at #crisiscamp helping explain the need for better vocab in regards to public attention/adoption
7:10 am Outliersf: RT @Globaliist: "Successful crisis management is based on agility ? react to the unexpected" So true! #crisiscamp
7:11 am svenburg: @gregelin: "Crises are also opportunities for agility and practice" #crisiscamp
7:11 am ajturner: have you explored ? @joecorbett hasn't - even though he knows he should #crisiscamp
7:12 am Kalabird: exists. Did u know? People need incentives to actively seek out preparedness OR we need to be better at reaching all #crisiscamp
7:13 am clarabear013: Do you have your zombie kit? #crisiscamp
7:13 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp how to motivate a culture of preparedness
7:14 am kgfreeman: #crisiscamp do people care more about preparedness or is it just recovery?
7:17 am kgfreeman: #crisiscamp vs
7:17 am Silona: Coke doesn't sit a can in front of you and say "drink that" - @kristinhogan at #crisiscamp agreed take a lesson from advertising!
7:18 am dlblack: Coke doesn't sit a can in front of you and say "drink that" - @kristinhogan at #crisiscamp agreed take a lesson from advertising! @gov20
7:19 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp SF is unbranding the approach towards preparedness and focusing on love for SF lifestyle.
7:21 am Outliersf: It is taking "disaster" out of preparedness. #crisiscamp
7:24 am Outliersf: If you are on Facebook, visit the SF group: "Prep SF Because it Rocks!" #crisiscamp
7:24 am Silona: should be a natural intersection btn insurance and crisispreparedness. How to make preparing compelling? I say games w purpose #crisiscamp
7:24 am readycat: What makes individuals want to prepare against disaster? Some mention that does not have traction. #crisiscamp
7:25 am PrivacyCampDC: Hey Crisis Camp folks - next week is PrivacyCampDC 2009 - See you there! #crisiscamp #privacy #privacyDC
7:25 am kgfreeman: #crisiscamp just learned something new about flood insurance, got re-schooled
7:27 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp silona recommended using gaming to help create a culture of preparedness. Totally agree. Esp for kids.
7:30 am svenburg: RT @bgreenberg: #crisiscamp @silona recommended using gaming to help create a culture of preparedness. Totally agree. Esp for kids.
7:32 am Outliersf: Training simulation or prevention the best methods for preparedness? Training seems a waste of time. Can't bring people together #crisiscamp
7:33 am joecorbett: Disaster X just hit your area, "what is the first thing that runs through your mind?" #crisiscamp
7:33 am ninjaclectic: RT @bgreenberg: #crisiscamp silona recommended using gaming to help create a culture of preparedness. Totally agree. Esp for kids.
7:37 am readycat: Can the tech community work to build resilience among tech users? Maybe need to reach existing audience to show success #crisiscamp
7:37 am Kalabird: If you have to train people on it, the tool isn't good enough @gelin #crisiscamp
7:38 am readycat: How can emergency management benefit from introduction of existing technology - technology transfer and reapplication? #crisiscamp
7:38 am Outliersf: Need to bridge the technology gap @dlblack. Why aren't major planners here? #crisiscamp
7:39 am readycat: POTUS has started talking about resilience and building prepared communities. Is there community-level resonance? #crisiscamp
7:39 am Silona: Good tools do not require training! - @gregelin hear hear and scared people in crisis become even less smart #crisiscamp
7:41 am Outliersf: CrisisCommons wiki #crisiscamp
7:41 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp discussion on tech participants at the camp making their apps interoperable! This could be interesting
7:41 am DavidStephenson: RT @Outliersf CrisisCommons wiki #crisiscamp
7:42 am readycat: Does tech community know about emergency management community use of National Incident Management System (NIMS): responder COP #crisiscamp
7:42 am wharman: I agree 100% RT @kalabird If you have to train people on it, the tool isn't good enough @gelin #crisiscamp
7:43 am Outliersf: How do we evangelize getting senior planners to use the tools, the technology? #crisiscamp
7:43 am Silona: @avantgame let's do a proposal to create a game w the insurance as sponsor help w crisis preparedness your current one is close #crisiscamp
7:45 am jedmiller: RT @Kalabird If you have to train people on it, the tool isn't good enough @gelin #crisiscamp
7:46 am joecorbett: @Silona I'm all over that! Break-out session "Gaming as a way to education about disasters" ? #crisiscamp
7:46 am Kalabird: We can build great technology to prevent and manage disasters, but nobody knows it exists. #crisiscamp
7:47 am readycat: Bring out your tech! Red Cross is interested in technology applications that can help prepare community members. #crisiscamp
7:47 am svenburg: Should we get the geeks together and create a crisis proof-of-concept for a target area, e.g. a Hackistan? #crisiscamp
7:48 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp someone said there is a negative correlation between tech and preparedness. I think confusing tech with bad policy
7:49 am Tech4Dev: #crisiscamp: Boomer generation not fluent in today's tech and social media tools -- need for Gen Xers to step up, aggregate, communicate
7:50 am Kalabird: We need a common language to penetrate consciousness of folks. Everyone talks about crises differently. #crisiscamp flash mob?
7:50 am Outliersf: Crisis Camp flash mob is maybe an option - @silona #crisiscamp
7:50 am Tech4Dev: #crisiscamp: Crisis preparedness "flash mob" as a way to game out necessary response, raise awareness.
7:50 am DavidStephenson: #crisiscamp Suggest we need 2 aggressively use Web 2.0 tools (tags, topic hubs, threaded discussions) so crisis best practices easy 2 search
7:51 am clarabear013: Gaming as a media for disaster preparedness. Absolutely. #crisiscamp
7:52 am joecorbett: RT @clarabear013: Gaming as a media for disaster preparedness. Absolutely. #crisiscamp
7:52 am DavidStephenson: #crisiscamp @silona we need to involve gaming industry 4 crisis prep 2 involve kids, etc.(Def.! Think of how Army uses games to prep troops)
7:53 am readycat: There's a lot of good "stuff"-info, capability, initiative-here. Need to define, build and reach out. Narrow scope for success. #crisiscamp
7:53 am Tech4Dev: RT @Outliersf CrisisCommons wiki #crisiscamp (via @DavidStephenson)
7:53 am Silona: Wasted money on "technology" in "preparedness" I think more an issue is that most stuff is over engineered and badly designed #crisiscamp
7:54 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp focus going forward-activate the tech savvy part of the community. Not be all things to all people
7:54 am JBordeaux: @DavidStephenson Familiar with Gaming / education conference in Wisconsin this past week? Let's talk. #crisiscamp
7:54 am joecorbett: RT @Silona: Wasted money on "technology" in "preparedness" I think more an issue is that most stuff is over engineered #crisiscamp
7:55 am Kalabird: Wasted $ on "technology" in "preparedness" I think more an issue is stuff is over engineered and badly designed #crisiscamp (via @Silona)
7:55 am Silona: @mferola we should get the google guys to share any emergent folksnomies about crisis to be a starting pt for vocab n dictionary #crisiscamp
7:55 am kmallwein: @DavidStephenson also suggest look at Disney and tools for letting them create their own mashups for songs, manga style stories #crisiscamp
7:56 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp agree with silona that tech often badly designed-esp when done by govt if they think they know better than the users who need it
7:56 am joelogon: Back at #crisiscamp - we seem to be swirling a bit in the "So where are we now?" group pow-wow
7:58 am Outliersf: The technology is there, but are we setting up preparedness info and tech utility in an intuitive way for public to easily grasp #crisiscamp
7:58 am clarabear013: RT @joelogon: Back at #crisiscamp - we seem to be swirling a bit in the "So where are we now?" group pow-wow
7:58 am xpeditenetwork: laughing hard inside at this discussion at #crisiscamp thinking about my brother firefighters and explaining what we are talking about
8:00 am clarabear013: I vote for hawaiin pizza @ #crisiscamp
8:00 am DavidStephenson: #crisiscamp @silona @Outliersf B4 folded, I used to advocate using it 2 facilitate flash mobs in disasters.
8:00 am readycat: Focus. Focus. Focus. #crisiscamp
8:01 am dlblack: #crisiscamp We need to use social media to better prepare for, mitigate, respond to and recover from a disaster. Trick is how to go forward
8:01 am clarabear013: I vote for hawaiian pizza @ #crisiscamp
8:01 am readycat: Bringing tech into underserved communities post-disaster can have positive follow-on consequences. #crisiscamp
8:02 am joecorbett: RT @wonderchook: @joecorbett @silona I think we should breakout and actually sketch out a game #crisiscamp
8:02 am joecorbett: RT @clarabear013: I vote for hawaiian pizza @ #crisiscamp
8:03 am Kalabird: Love convo of reaching people in crises w/ tech but where are poor and disenfranchised in convo? They are often the big victims #crisiscamp
8:03 am Outliersf: Three broad outlines: operations in crisis, the tools that will aid in crisis operations and a discussion how to connect the two #crisiscamp
8:04 am Tech4Dev: #CrisisCamp folks, who is our audience - who are we trying to reach? (1) 1st responders/tech (2) general public (3) policy makers?
8:04 am joecorbett: RT @Kalabird: Reaching people in crises w/ tech but where are poor and disenfranchised in convo? They are often the big victims #crisiscamp
8:04 am Kalabird: It's not the priveleged who need better connection to information, it's the ones in shanty towns and poor areas hardest hit #crisiscamp
8:06 am clarabear013: RT @Kalabird: It's not the priveleged who need better connection to information, the ones in shanties & poor areas hardest hit #crisiscamp
8:07 am Kalabird: Are super smart folks here not talking at all. Is community intimidating sharing b/c of tech focus? We need ways to involve all #crisiscamp
8:08 am govwiki: #crisiscamp we can build great IT tools but how do we get senior level policy makers to be aware of & use th..
8:10 am DanB: Learning From Accidents & Terrorist Attack: arch, transparency 2 allow improv #crisiscamp
8:11 am Kalabird: There is no one place for people to get this information + give feedback on it. And make it all interoperable. #crisiscamp
8:12 am joecorbett: @jdcoffman @wonderchook @silona Let's combine communication/gaming/messaging/psychology covos into one session. #crisiscamp
8:13 am ajturner: just setup in order to begin capturing tools, lessons, and collaborations - contribute #crisiscamp
8:15 am patrickmeier: RT @ajturner: just setup to capture tools, lessons, and collaborations - please contribute #crisiscamp
8:16 am readycat: RT @ajturner: just setup to capture tools, lessons, and collaborations - please contribute #crisiscamp
8:16 am Tech4Dev: @dlblack: Group needs to keep audience in mind - matrix idea is great to effectively link content w/audience & desired outcome #crisiscamp
8:17 am Kalabird: This tech transparency groundswell is inspiring #crisiscamp
8:17 am krobertory: @Kalabird There is a gap between "tech" folks and "disaster" folks. There are very few that can effectivley cors over #crisiscamp
8:17 am crisiscamp: RT @ajturner: just setup to capture tools, lessons, and collaborations - please contribute #crisiscamp
8:18 am joecorbett: RT @readycat: RT @ajturner: just setup to capture tools, lessons, and collaborations #crisiscamp
8:19 am svenburg: RT @CrisisCamp: RT @ajturner: just setup to capture tools, lessons, and collab - please contribute #crisiscamp
8:20 am crisiscamp: RT @kalabird If you have to train people on it, the tool isn't good enough @gelin #crisiscamp
8:20 am kgfreeman: #crisiscamp how do you get 80 techies to make up their minds?
8:21 am krobertory: @Tech4Dev People only use tech they use everyday in a disaster. The matrix must be part of their everyday to be effective #crisiscamp
8:21 am crisiscamp: RT Doug - Coke doesn't sit a can in front of you and say "drink that" - @kristinhogan at #crisiscamp agreed take a lesson from advertising!
8:22 am Kalabird: @krobertory that disconnect is problematic and those two worlds need to be able to collaborate to derive successful outcomes #crisiscamp
8:24 am DavidStephenson: #crisiscamp Hunter sez "you need to tell a story." hmm, @SpiralEyes: sounds like your cue..
8:25 am digitalsista: @joelogon so were are we now? #crisiscamp
8:26 am readycat: When gaming group comes up with preparedness, share with Red Cross. We can use ways to reach young people. #crisiscamp
8:27 am krobertory: @Kalabird Yes, true many places over. Business can't work w/out tech. Traditional tech doesn't work w/out infrastructure #crisiscamp
8:27 am joecorbett: YES! #crisiscamp
8:27 am Kalabird: @bruces suggested parachuting cheap mobile phones after a crisis. (via @john_weeks) But how can we share messages before? #crisiscamp
8:27 am Outliersf: Focus solutions and technology on the crisis at hand: pandemic? #crisiscamp
8:27 am Tech4Dev: #crisiscamp Issue areas for communications working group: how to interest/influence policy makers; how to engage press; how 2 engage public
8:27 am krobertory: @kalabird Tech folks need to think out of the datacenter to work disasters right. #crisiscamp.
8:29 am ricaji: social distancing is a success?? wow. #crisiscamp
8:29 am readycat: RT @Tech4Dev: #crisiscamp Issue areas for comms WG: how to interest/influence policy makers; how to engage press; how 2 engage public
8:29 am Kalabird: @krobertory Am afraid convo will marginalize very people who need to be part + have power to change system: gov't + 1st respndrs #crisiscamp
8:31 am readycat: RT @Outliersf: Focus solutions and technology on the crisis at hand: pandemic? #crisiscamp
8:36 am readycat: In MS after Katrina, I saw ppl registering 4 FEMA help through mobile sat trailers @shelter. Techies helped them learn new tech. #crisiscamp
8:36 am digitalsista: nice RT @crisiscamp: RT @ajturner: just setup to capture tools, lessons, & collaborations - plz contribute #crisiscamp
8:37 am mikel: #crisiscamp bring it!
8:37 am Silona: @zerostrategist @metrostarsystems need to be here to pitch y'alls cellphone game language app- easily adapted to crisis training #crisiscamp
8:39 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp discussing focusing tech capabilities to help connect with people on ground is SWAsia to help refugee issue
8:39 am joecorbett: @readycat I used net to reg. with FEMA during Katrina, a huge waste of time to be added to their system, that is the problem #crisiscamp
8:39 am Silona: Will do @danb @Silona Take a look at Learning From Accidents & a Terrorist Attack: #crisiscamp
8:40 am ninjaclectic: JHU's upcoming roundtable "Communicating Pandemic: Lessons for Future" #crisiscamp
8:42 am Silona: @DavidStephenson FOF w play4square team (was dodgeball guys) but hmm games to teach for #crisiscamp ponder... Hey @disrupsean ideas?
8:43 am DavidStephenson: #crisiscamp Kewl! Just met Linton Wells II, one of my heroes. Gonna connect him w/ No. 1 son regarding Afghanistan..
8:43 am joecorbett: @Silona #crisiscamp
8:46 am kgfreeman: #crisiscamp is it possible to do both: respond in pakistan/afghanistan and prevent for H1N1?
8:46 am mikel: "but you can't click edit" @ajturner #crisiscamp
8:47 am xpeditenetwork: 6/24 Communities and Technologies @Penn State some of you at #crisiscamp might be like. And read Connie Whites work!
8:47 am joecorbett: @wonderchook #crisiscamp
8:47 am DavidStephenson: #crisiscamp Matthew McNabb describing work in Afghanistan. Kewl.
8:48 am svenburg: stuff going on today & #crisiscamp
8:48 am Silona: "It's not a commons - I can't click edit!" - @ajturner #crisiscamp
8:51 am DavidStephenson: #crisiscamp All you dudes who are talking about Afghan projects right now, plz contact me...
8:55 am crisiscamp: RT @Silona: "It's not a commons - I can't click edit!" - @ajturner #crisiscamp
8:56 am SeanGorman: Coalescing around a possible demonstration project for a crisiscommons around Afghanistan/Pakistan #crisiscamp
8:56 am Outliersf: Microsoft and Google battling and collaborating simultaneously for crisis management. Awesome. #crisiscamp
8:56 am Tech4Dev: @ajturner, I took the liberty of starting some descriptors & suggstions re: communications strategies per audience on the wiki #crisiscamp
8:57 am lovisatalk: RT @PrivacyCampDC: next week is PrivacyCampDC 2009 - See you there! #crisiscamp #privacy #privacyDC
8:58 am xpeditenetwork: ok #crisiscamp peeps. Remember, you were here when it happened and it was FREE (for most of you)
8:58 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp microsoft and google proposing capability to create a hackathon to create tech to address identified issues
8:58 am Outliersf: Google suggesting identifying problems and then going to all of the big 3 to develop/build the tech for solution. #crisiscamp
8:59 am ajturner: terrific additions on audiences involved in a crisis @Tech4Dev #crisiscamp
9:01 am planetrussell: With family today, following day 2 tweets frm. #crisiscamp. Hoping someone's grabbing A/V of McNabb preso.
9:01 am thehelenho: Fav comment of the weekend: RT: @Silona: Good tools do not require training! - @gregelin hear hear #crisiscamp
9:02 am SeanGorman: Google proposing a hack-a-thon around developing disaster tech - let the big 3 - GYM harness their developer communities #crisiscamp
9:03 am DavidStephenson: #crisiscamp @poplifegirl sez we need to i.d. real opinion leaders who can really spread the word on what we're doing.
9:15 am thehelenho: 2nd Fav comment of the weekend: RT: @CrisisCamp: RT @Silona: "It's not a commons - I can't click edit!" - @ajturner #crisiscamp
9:33 am soapboxdave: RT @thehelenho: 2nd Fav comment of the weekend: RT @Silona: It's not a commons - I can't click edit! - @ajturner #crisiscamp
9:53 am kgfreeman: Back to the office to work for the boss. Message me if I can collab with you #crisiscamp ers.
10:01 am crisiscamp: Sessions: Pakistan, Communications, Cyber Attack, Gaming, Hackistan, Crisis Commons #crisiscamp
10:02 am spara: - #crisiscamp The Grid: day 2
10:08 am Outliersf: #crisisPR starting now. Let's talk about public messaging and strategy. what do you want people to do & how to make that happen #crisiscamp
10:09 am Outliersf: coalescing various groups - govt and policy makers - just as important as public preparedness says @noeldickover #crisiscamp
10:11 am Tinitron: #crisiscamp thinkin about a crisis response hackathon...
10:12 am Outliersf: What are the problems w/messaging? #crisispr #crisiscamp
10:12 am Outliersf: Can have a great mssage but a lousy messenger - a real challenge. #crisispr #crisiscamp
10:13 am NoelDickover: #crisiscamp messaging success based on relationship of the messenger to the message to the media to the market.
10:13 am Outliersf: Do you remember mr. yuck? an example of memorable messaging that leads to action. #crisispr #crisiscamp
10:14 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp how do you get energy to power technology during disaster? (centralized? distributed?)
10:14 am NoelDickover: Examples of great messaging campaigns - Smoky Bear ("only you can prevent forest fires"), Mr. Yuck, Seatbelts #crisiscamp
10:14 am poplifegirl: Idea: test power/communications with sustainable sources at burning man - possible community organizing via SMS crowdsourcing #crisiscamp
10:14 am Citability: Awesome disaster/crisis brainstorming game by @avantgame #crisiscamp
10:15 am drdigipol: #crisiscamp messaging success based on relationship of the messenger to the message to the media to the market. (RT @NoelDickover) #crisispr
10:16 am Outliersf: Messaging partners: story telling, trusted sources #crisiscamp
10:17 am poplifegirl: How do militant groups relate to their communities? Policy is broad abstractions, not metric based. Share intl dev comm #crisiscamp pak
10:18 am Citability: WOOT creating a messaging Matrix at #crisiscamp !!!
10:19 am crisiscamp: RT @spara: - #crisiscamp The Grid: day 2
10:21 am thehelenho: Hell. All my electronics are malfunctioning #crisiscamp.
10:21 am ajturner: now have a CrisisCommons logo, thx to @mikel #crisiscamp
10:22 am Outliersf: Target audiencs - emer. manager, tech, subject matter experts, policy makers, gen public, priv sector, VOADs, media #crisispr #crisiscamp
10:22 am NoelDickover: Different messaging needs for emergency responders - "creating a culture of preparedness" and "Participating in #Crisiscamp"
10:26 am planetrussell: @poplifegirl Seen anyone recording Pakistan [counter-terrorism] preso at #crisiscamp via Flip/Qik, audio?
10:32 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp how do we better share data for disaster relief and preparedness?
10:32 am NoelDickover: RT @Citability: WOOT creating a messaging Matrix at #crisiscamp !!!
10:35 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp the need for a common operating picture / situational awareness.
10:38 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp complete common operating picture still something of a holy grail.
10:38 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp large problem = people define their problems differently.
10:39 am Silona: @jfhatesmustard hey we are doing a messaging matrix right now - here's the google doc #crisiscamp
10:40 am Outliersf: private sector as target audience 4 crisis messging-should care bcause they may b in leadership position if crisis hits #crisisp #crisiscamp
10:41 am Outliersf: what is super-ordinate goal of crisis management? from Cherie Becker. Good question. #crisispr #crisiscamp
10:42 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp real-time, updated, referenceable information we can get ahold of: weather, webcams, (other datasets?)
10:43 am Outliersf: "Help the helpers" offered by @noeldickover as super-ordinate goal. #crisispr #crisiscamp
10:44 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp let's aggregate as much available data as there is.
10:46 am jsjohnst: Sitting next to @poplifegirl listening to a session on doing Pakistan exercises, wishing I wasn't leaving in less than 2 hours. #crisiscamp
10:46 am Silona: #crisiscamp let me know what your email is IFyou want to edit the message matrix on google doc!
10:47 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp find ways to integrate new data (community-based).
10:48 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp constraints: literacy, net access, mental models, etc.
10:50 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp @silona you can hack inviting people to google docs by sending yourself an invite that anyone can use and then posting that link
10:52 am DavidStephenson: RT jessicapfund: #crisiscamp @silona hack inviting people 2 google docs by sending self nvite anyone can use and then posting that link
10:52 am IARoundtable: At #crisiscamp talking about #crisispr and how social media tools can help disaster relief, etc.
10:53 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp how do we communicate input/output of quant data (stats w + w/o geocode, feeds) + qual data (docs, reports, best practices)
10:55 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp privacy concerns that data of where people are helping doesn't get them targeted / dead.
10:56 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp could we abstract data to mitigate privacy risks but still share data?
10:56 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp could we have public vs private (selected sharing) commons?
10:57 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp great community spirit at this event. :)
11:00 am drdigipol: @mj_santos it's #crisiscamp!!!
11:01 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp shared resources: wiki, data sets, volunteer time, aggregation, software development (set up a mailing list?)
11:02 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp @poplifegirl : meeting in person helps!
11:05 am sophiabliu: appreciating all the tweets for #crisiscamp wish I could be there to participate f2f
11:06 am ToddHuffman: Skyping into a #CrisisCamp session on info sharing in Afghanistan and Pakistan (Thanks to @ajturner)
11:07 am Tech4Dev: #crisiscamp In messaging session, great tagline suggestion. "Response. Ability."
11:07 am Silona: @toddhuffman Ha I am in the other room doing messaging and PR for #crisiscamp!
11:08 am Tech4Dev: #crisiscamp or "response+ability"
11:11 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp getting ready for hackistan! :)
11:12 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp add to / view camp notes:
11:12 am smohanz: Work aside, living in DC, i shud have bn at #crisiscamp. Period. Group is having meaningful conversations, I cn tell:
11:12 am sophiabliu: anyone on Twitter that will allow me to skype into a session at #crisiscamp ? My skypename is sophiabliu
11:15 am sophiabliu: linking insurance + preparedness reminds me of car insurance that sends out a rep after accident to tell/teach you what to say #crisiscamp
11:16 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp join the discussion via mailing list :
11:18 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp hackistan:
11:20 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp trying again, join hackistan convo:
11:21 am NoelDickover: Awesome gaming #crisiscamp related gaming site -
11:22 am NoelDickover: OH @silona - "Insurance companies should be sponsoring #crisiscamp games" - more preparedness leads to less pay outs
11:23 am sophiabliu: for info on Crisis Informatics on how people use social media during crises from our research lab see #crisiscamp
11:23 am crisiscamp: RT@ sophiabliu for info on Crisis Informatics on how people use social media during crises see: #crisiscamp
11:24 am crisiscamp: RT OH @silona - "Insurance companies should be sponsoring #crisiscamp games" - more preparedness leads to less pay outs
11:25 am DavidStephenson: #crisiscamp @silona doing session on poss. role of "serious gaming" in disaster prep. (I like it as alt. to traditional desktop exercises)
11:26 am NoelDickover: Insurance companies would pay big bucks for a game that stops people from texting while driving #crisiscamp
11:27 am sophiabliu: bravo on all you crisiscampers for collaboratively putting together these virtual docs to record & continue the conversation #crisiscamp
11:28 am smohanz: Links 2 giv sense of #crisiscamp:;; Alng w/
11:30 am bgreenberg: #crisiscamp defining issues that can addressed by google-MS-yahoo hackathin
11:30 am sophiabliu: will contact some of you for my research on grassroots heritage (how to preserve crisis memories to benefit future generations) #crisiscamp
11:31 am 18SUJ00449732: @CrisisCamp #crisiscamp Insurance: "more preparedness leads to less pay outs" confuses preparedness with mitigation.
11:32 am Silona: viral facebook quiz for awareness? #crisiscamp #gaming
11:33 am Silona: Give facebook badges/gifts for doing facebook crisis awareness quiz! #crisiscamp #gaming
11:34 am sophiabliu: how can we use social media to pass down crisis preparedness and mitigation info to present generations to preserve for future #crisiscamp
11:34 am Silona: secondlife crisis prep/solution simulations? does any one if it has been doing in twitterverse? #crisiscamp #gaming
11:34 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp do we want an open standard or one de facto solution?
11:35 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp advantage for open standard, don't need awareness / evangelism for the one solution.
11:35 am LukeBerndt: How is #crisiscamp? I wasn't able to make it down there today, but I went to the Fri event, which was great!
11:36 am Silona: i mean with all the SCA and Larp people I know - I'm pretty sure I could do and awesome dirtybomb flashmob simulation! #crisiscamp
11:38 am Silona: social network games KEY to connecting local connectors w local first responders -@ajturner #crisiscamp
11:38 am NoelDickover: Foreterra systems OLIVE system for preparedness Virtual Sims - #crisiscamp
11:38 am sophiabliu: worth making a map mashup of all #crisiscamp attendees & see how more camps evolve locally & globally with ability to participate regionally
11:39 am Silona: CPR, badge or other facebook badges with validation from real first responders in neighborhood #crisiscamp #gaming
11:41 am Silona: big win to the firstresponders because now they KNOW who is trained and who to contact in a disaster #crisiscamp #gaming
11:43 am DavidStephenson: @dens didn't know about FourSquare! Came up in #crisiscamp: @ajturner suggests you could add special 'disaster prepared!' badges
11:44 am Silona: so many communities to integrate schools, girlscouts, churches, neighborhood groups - create a competition... #crisiscamp #gaming
11:46 am crisiscamp: What city/country is next to create a #CrisisCamp? San Francisco? Canada? UK? NYC? Your town
11:48 am CitizenCreators: RT @NoelDickover: Foreterra Virtual Sims ... might be great working with kids on 21st Century Works - #crisiscamp
11:48 am Silona: @dens we are making plans for playfoursquare badges!!! we want disaster preparedness ones! #crisiscamp #gaming
11:56 am Silona: @stieny we are talking about how to take something like fixmystreets and making it into a game for disaster prep #crisiscamp
11:57 am jessicapfund: #crisiscamp need a gmail account for the hackistan link to work. : (
11:57 am Silona: oops @steiny we are talking about how to take something like fixmystreets and making it into a game for disaster prep #crisiscamp
12:01 pm kgfreeman: @Silona would be cool to see a quiz that performs as is/should be assessments for fb users by likely hazards (eg ca=earthquake) #crisiscamp
12:04 pm Silona: pandemic2 game (become a pathogen) from @joelogon on how to use it to prepare health awareness issues #crisiscamp
12:04 pm sophiabliu: RT @crisiscamp What city/country is next to create a #CrisisCamp Worth having them in crisis-prone areas or post-disaster (NOLA, SF, NY)
12:06 pm Silona: You can get +10 pts if you help cleanup - @joelogon #crisiscamp
12:16 pm planetrussell: @Silona Enjoyed our convo at #crisiscamp yesterday. You're pretty serious about the get-folks-to-take-stuff-seriously-through-gaming thing!
12:20 pm planetrussell: @sophiabliu Tweet globally, act locally. #crisiscamp
12:21 pm Silona: We created a wiki page for games for Crisis Education #crisiscamp
12:21 pm crisiscamp: RT @Silona pandemic2 game (become a pathogen) from @joelogon on how to use it to prepare health awareness issues #crisiscamp
12:22 pm Silona: Our has a wiki where most notes from #crisiscamp will live
12:22 pm Silona: @amoration man how could i forget VAMPIRES! #crisiscamp #buffy
12:26 pm crisiscamp: RT @wonderchook Facebook game wiki page on CrisisCommons #crisiscamp - @adamconner check it out
12:30 pm planetrussell: @shloky @JimmySky At #crisiscamp this wknd., numerous presentations referencing mesh networks for humanitarian relief & related apps.
12:33 pm Silona: @missrogue @tempo Not everyone will do disaster preparedness so to reward, network those that will? GAMES! #crisiscamp
12:37 pm crisiscamp: RT @sophiabliu Tweet globally, act locally. #crisiscamp
12:41 pm 18SUJ00449732: #crisiscamp "Technology + Humanitarian Relief" in a map/location driven enterprise, the rationale 4 NSARC Matrix:
12:43 pm jessicapfund: #crisiscamp Aggregating incident reports and analyze trends, (need to make sure privacy is maintained.)
12:45 pm jessicapfund: #crisiscamp Story Corps for disaster @pbs @npr
12:55 pm NoelDickover: is off and running. Join the movement and start contributing. #crisiscamp
1:04 pm jessicapfund: #crisiscamp enabling relief workers to use social media.
1:06 pm 18SUJ00449732: #crisiscamp Why Not Latitude and Longitude?
1:07 pm crisiscamp: Empowering Pakistan Relief Workers with social media to get the word outside of country #crisiscamp
1:09 pm jessicapfund: #crisiscamp kml tour (w/audio) of flight 1549 crash over hudson, info:
1:13 pm jessicapfund: #crisiscamp all of these ideas need some "ground truthing"
1:15 pm jessicapfund: #crisiscamp next crisiscamp on the west coast? (san francisco? santa barbara?)
1:17 pm jessicapfund: #crisiscamp crisiscamp TV? video pod interviews with first responders?
1:29 pm jessicapfund: #crisiscamp data needs to be platform agnostic.
1:44 pm Silona: @poplifegirl @noeldickover @ajturner @xpeditenetworks for a WONDERFUL #crisiscamp quite successful and looking forward to sept 18-19!
2:06 pm NoelDickover: Awesome job at #crisiscamp everyone. Thank you so much to all who contributed resources, pitched in and attended & participated.
2:07 pm jcrowley: To everyone who made #crisiscamp possible: thank you for your hard work!
2:19 pm rsoden: Awesome, exhausting weekend at #crisiscamp. Back home now, going through notes and trying to process everything.
2:33 pm bgreenberg: #crisiscamp is over. Great 2 days. Lots to do. Great people
3:20 pm BrianHumphrey: @LAFD eager to (co)host a #crisiscamp in L.A. (or San Francisco?)
3:25 pm 18SUJ00449732: #crisiscamp Economic disadvantaged, special needs pops, blind, etc.., how best 2 communicate ?location? voice/text/map 2 resident & visitor.
3:39 pm evangineer: RT @Silona: We created a wiki page for games for Crisis Education #crisiscamp
3:40 pm evangineer: RT @Silona: Our has a wiki where most notes from #crisiscamp will live
3:40 pm jessicapfund: #crisiscamp Map the Fallen time-lapse kml of soldiers killed in the Iraqi War.
3:40 pm evangineer: RT @Silona: Not everyone will do disaster preparedness so to reward, network those that will? GAMES! #crisiscamp
3:44 pm jessicapfund: #crisiscamp geo-located YouTube videos + news articles can be overlayed in Google Earth, bottom left under "Layers" in the "Gallery" folder.
3:50 pm worksoffice: RT @shloky: Protest is dead (low ROI). Insurgency (taking out governance platform) has very high ROI. Watching for that shift. #CrisisCamp
3:56 pm hexayurt: Hey Crisicampers, did make it into circulation over there? I hope so, I sent it over a time or two... #crisiscamp
3:56 pm crisiscamp: @mbettenhausen There are folks who are in SF and LA who are very interested in creating #CrisisCamp West in SF perhaps in September (NPM?)
3:59 pm crisiscamp: @BrianHumphrey Great! Get with @kristinhogan in SF! There are many folks who want to make #CrisisCamp West happen September 18-20
4:01 pm crisiscamp: @hexayurt Would be great to have on and #crisiscamp #research
4:03 pm crisiscamp: @yobie Yes there are Californians interested in creating #CrisisCamp West - tweet up with @kristinhogan @brianhumphrey - perhaps Sept 18-20
4:09 pm crisiscamp: @hexayurt I know that @dominiccampbell was working with group in the UK. In the UK in July could present what we learned from #CrisisCamp DC
4:16 pm bdmaroon: RT @evangineer: RT @Silona: We created a wiki page for games for Crisis Education #crisiscamp
4:29 pm 18SUJ00449732: One last #crisiscamp post, of the 1.2+ million fire incidents/year reported USA via NFIRS, 30% do not use street addresses for location.
4:34 pm dlblack: #crisiscamp Hey Crisis Campers -- fantastic weekend! Thank you all.
6:34 pm NoelDickover: @sophiabliu I really enjoyed reading your tweets on #crisiscamp. Hopefully we'll see you at crisiscamp west this September 18-20.
6:41 pm poplifegirl: @bbc - Internet brings events in Iran to life #crisiscamp
7:45 pm NoelDickover: Special thanks to @Silona for doing all the awesome room naming, schedule board work and gaming session at #crisiscamp - enjoyed hangin out
10:15 pm jsjohnst: Home and unpacked. Exhausted but on a high from an awesome weekend. #crisiscamp DC was a success in many ways. Congrats @poplifegirl & crew!
11:13 pm jfhatesmustard: Best line from #crisiscamp: "I feel more prepared for a zombie attack than for an earthquake."

June 15, 2009
5:11 am StandingFirmCM: .@AndrewPWilson I know u cant comment much. But back to that citizen sensor comment at #crisiscamp. @Veratect was close to the cutting edge.
5:16 am JohnDSolomon: @poplifegirl @noeldickover @ajturner @xpeditenetworks et al congrats & thanks. Is there a tally of how many campers attended? #CrisisCamp
6:23 am xpeditenetwork: Thanks for coming to #crisiscamp be sure to set up your ZipGroup on today!
6:25 am krazykriz: @noeldickover Saw a couple tweets on sensors coming out of #crisiscamp Are you aware of @sensorpedia ? (you should connect w/ @resseguie )
7:44 am ninjaclectic: @andyfluke great session on games at #crisiscamp this weekend in dc. also wanted to put this blog on your radar
8:19 am CrisisCampWest: Interested in helping create CrisisCamp West? DM @CrisisCampWest or crisiscampwest at gmail [dot] com! #crisiscampwest #crisiscamp PLS RT
8:49 am SeanGorman: Off to Cincinati for big corporate mapping action - brains needs to recalibrate after #crisiscamp
8:51 am BrianHumphrey: the more I hear from #crisiscamp attendees, the more I realize the impact of their gathering
8:51 am Resseguie: @krazykriz Thanks! re: @Sensorpedia and #crisiscamp
9:04 am JohnDSolomon: One Camper/Blogger's 'Post'Card From #CrisisCamp --
9:08 am jsjohnst: @BrianHumphrey I agree! I feel this is only the beginning and many good things will come from continued gatherings of this sort. #crisiscamp
9:13 am CarrieBethH: great recap of #crisiscamp RT @johndsolomon One Camper/Blogger's 'Post'Card From #CrisisCamp
10:34 am soapboxdave: 2nd that RT @NoelDickover: Special thanks to @Silona for doing all the awesome room naming, sched board work & gaming session at #crisiscamp
11:06 am RedCrossPDX: It's not summer camp, it's #CrisisCamp! Read our friend John's review of the experience:
11:55 am jack_holt: Leadership: cedeing control seeding control cultivating trust growing performance to harvest excellence. #leadership #crisiscamp #yam
12:09 pm govwiki: Casting a wide net - Crisis Communications/Gov't Speakers Needed! Conference dates - 11/2-6 in DC. #crisiscamp #..
12:22 pm Silona: aw thanks @soapboxdave @noeldickover i think the games for disaster education can become a meme for us #crisiscamp
1:03 pm govwiki: thx @zerostrategist #crisiscamp wondering about the mobile game Silona mentioned check out X-Life Games http://b..
1:23 pm NoelDickover: @JohnDSolomon has a great write-up of this weekend's #CrisisCamp. Check it out -
1:33 pm NoelDickover: Yes I am! RT @CrisisCampWest: Interested in helping create CrisisCamp West? DM me or email crisiscampwest at gmail[dot]com! #crisiscamp
1:38 pm codex24: @Silona Better investment of t+$ than mobile wifi van would be coding Linux 802.1s meshing standard support #crisiscamp
1:52 pm DavidStephenson: @GregElin was great to see you @ #crisiscamp. Gotta get you in megaposition of power working for The Man, explaining WTF Semantic Web...
2:33 pm LAFDtalk: @latimesnystrom very interested in having you participate in pending west coast #crisiscamp
3:14 pm fantomplanet: @ZachTumin See, @failwhale never fails when there's a crisis. #crisiscamp.
4:48 pm poplifegirl: Interested in helping create CrisisCamp West? DM @CrisisCampWest or crisiscampwest at gmail [dot] com! #crisiscampwest #crisiscamp PLS RT
4:50 pm crisiscamp: Interested in helping create CrisisCamp West? DM @CrisisCampWest or crisiscampwest at gmail [dot] com! #crisiscampwest #crisiscamp PLS RT
4:52 pm crisiscamp: @lafd @latimesnystrom - Folks organizing #crisiscampwest in #california - get in touch crisiscampwest at gmail [dot] com #crisiscamp
4:53 pm crisiscamp: RT @Silona Better investment of t+$ than mobile wifi van would be coding Linux 802.1s meshing standard support #crisiscamp
4:54 pm crisiscamp: @Silona: thx @zerostrategist #crisiscamp wondering about the mobile game Silona mentioned chk out X-Life Games (expand)
6:04 pm crisiscamp: @williamv @ohndsolomon Let us know if you make a date for CrisisCampNYC - FYI: @NYU, @NYCOEM, @Rasiej @readycat #crisiscamp
6:35 pm TheDistrictofCA: RT@CrisisCampWest - help create CrisisCamp West! DM @CrisisCampWest or crisiscampwest at gmail [dot] com! #crisiscampwest #crisiscamp
7:08 pm crisiscamp: Scenes from #crisiscamp -
7:26 pm readycat: great recap of #crisiscamp RT @johndsolomon One Camper/Blogger's 'Post'Card From #CrisisCamp
7:27 pm crisiscamp: RT @readycat great recap of #crisiscamp RT @johndsolomon One Camper/Blogger's 'Post'Card From #CrisisCamp
7:32 pm crisiscamp: Where do we go from here? Campers: Add/edit blog on next steps: #crisiscamp #crisiscampwest #crisiscampuk
8:45 pm Silona: ubuntu? b easier RT @codex24 Better investment of t+$ than mobile wifi van would be coding Linux 802.1s meshing standard support #crisiscamp
9:23 pm spara: #crisiscamp CrisisCamp notes posted to blog:
10:12 pm NoelDickover: @PhotoFireTwit would DEFINITELY participate in a our upcoming #zombiecrisiscamp #zombie #crisiscamp

June 16, 2009
4:12 am NoelDickover: @joecorbett I'm carrying them around in my car. The #gov20camp supplies & #crisiscamp supplies will definitely be moving to #privacydc
5:09 am BrianHumphrey: @yatra9 Between virtual presence at #crisiscamp and physical presence at #aptarail09, I'm soon to bring many great ideas back to @LAFD -BH-
6:40 am williamv: @crisiscamp just sent out the first email re NYC #crisiscamp #nyccrisiscamp. Anyone interested just reply or dm me
7:21 am JohnDSolomon: @williamv #nyccrisiscamp #crisiscamp. i'm in. will be in touch later today.
7:25 am svenburg: RT @Outliersf: Microsoft and Google battling and collaborating simultaneously for crisis management. Awesome. #crisiscamp
7:37 am jcrowley: @williamv would love to participate in #nyccrisiscamp, building on #crisiscamp. Know some folks at FDNY and Microsoft to include.
7:39 am Tech4Dev: @JohnDSolomon Thanks for link to #crisiscamp blog post. Can't take credit for "response+ability" however, that was all @SwirlEyes!
7:40 am Tech4Dev: @JohnDSolomon Thanks for link to #crisiscamp blog post. Can't take credit for "response+ability" however, that was all @SpiralEyes!
7:58 am HarryWaisbren: RT @Svenber @Outliersf: Microsoft and Google battling and collaborating simultaneously for crisis management. Awesome. #crisiscamp #gov20
8:03 am HarryWaisbren: @kristinhogan I'm VERY impressed w/ #crisiscamp & will hopefully be able to attend #crisiscampwest! Still getting up to speed though. #gov20
8:05 am HarryWaisbren: I think my best role w/ #crisiscamp will be "public engagement" amongst youth & activist communities especially #gov20
8:07 am NoelDickover: "Share Data, Save Lives" - Are the donors to crisis-response orgs incentivising NGOs to share their data or hoard it? #crisiscamp
8:12 am HarryWaisbren: @svenber I'm actively getting up to speed on #crisiscamp. Really appreciate your site--been a great resource! #gov20
8:15 am HarryWaisbren: @crisiscamp I'm setting up my profile for and exploring how far along this effort is! #crisiscamp #gov20
9:15 am SpiralEyes: Here is a nice summary of #crisiscamp unconference from last weekend by @johndsolomon.

Views: 66


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